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Promethium Augmented Self Service Analytics

Accelerate Accurate Business Insights

Get accurate insights faster than ever before without all of the hard work and wait times. Introducing Promethium's Augmented Self Service Analytics.

"It’s not a matter of if but when augmented analytics will become an expected part of the experience of using A&BI and DSML platforms."
- Rita L. Sallam, Distinguished VP analyst, Gartner

Self Service Analytics

Real self service analytics without waiting for data. Simply type a questions and Promethium does the rest - automatically finds the best fit data, then prepares the data and builds the SQL statement automatically without coding.

Augmented Data Management

Machine Learning automates Data Exploration and Data Preparation, resulting in reduced time and effort and a lower barrier to entry to free skilled resources for higher value jobs.

Augmented Data Exploration

Makes finding the best fit data from across the enterprise easier for everyone. Intelligent and automated data cataloging, metadata, tagging and data matching.

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Augmented Data Preparation

Makes preparing data from many data sources as fast and easy as working with one.  Intelligent and automated join recommendations, lineage and SQL generation.

Promethium No Code Analytics
Promethium Join Recommendations
Promethium Data Virtualization

Ad-Hoc Federated Query Engine

Join and query data across different sources, systems and silos on demand without moving data


Query data on-demand when needed, without waiting to ETL or move data.  Promethium's ad-hoc query engine queries data where it lives.

Federated Query

Until now the only way query across data sources was to build complex ETL and push the data to a central repository.  Promethium has solved that problem.

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Perform Ad-Hoc Federated Queries on 400+ Data Sources

Data Lakes

Data Warehouses


SaaS Apps

Business Apps

Augmented Analytics

Machine Intelligence and Natural Language Generation helps to uncover insights faster and interpret results automatically.

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Auto Generated Insights

Makes finding the best fit data from across the enterprise easier for everyone. Intelligent and automated data cataloging, metadata, tagging and data matching. Powered by Promethium Storyteller Engine

Auto Narrate Results in Natural Language

Results are automatically interpreted and narrated in natural language so everyone has the same understanding. Powered by Promethium Storyteller Engine. All it takes is one click.

Promethium Storyteller Analytics Chart Narration
Are you ready to launch reimagined data analytics? 🚀
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